- KP竹浆无元素氯漂白 ECF Bleaching of Kraft Bamboo Pulp
- 硫酸盐法竹浆无元素氯漂白的研究 Study on the Elemental Chlorine Free Bleaching of Bamboo Kraft Pulp
- 改善硫酸盐木浆白度稳定性的无元素氯漂白 ECF Bleaching: Improving Brightness Stability of Kraft Pulp
- 中小径竹硫酸盐浆无元素氯漂白技术的研究 ECF Bleaching of Bamboo Kraft Pulp
- KP竹浆 bamboo kraft pulp
- 无元素氯漂白浆的性质 Properties of the ECF Bleached Pulp
- 杨木与桉木KP浆的无元素氯漂白 Study on ECF Bleaching of Populus and Eucalypt Kraft Pulps
- 无尘 dustless
- 漫无目的 flanerie
- 这种分解过程的产物之一是元素氯。 One of the products of this breakdown is the element chlorine.
- 硫酸盐竹浆臭氧漂白的研究 Ozone Bleaching of Kraft Bamboo Pulp
- 暗无天日 (said of a nation, locality etc.) total absence of justice
- 每一个差异中无不包含矛盾。 Each and every difference contains contradiction.
- 漆酶用于硫酸盐竹浆TCF漂白 Utilization of Laccase in TCF Bleaching of Kraft Bamboo Pulp
- 本无 original non-being
- 元素氯 elemental chlorine
- 面无表情的 glassy-eyed
- 低卡伯值硫酸盐竹浆ECF短序漂白 ECF Short Sequence Bleaching of Low Kappa Kraft Bamboo Pulp
- 无可替代 can not be substituted
- 六神无主 in a state of utter stupefaction