- 免疫K-means聚类 Immune K-Means Clustering
- 空间数据挖掘K-means聚类 spatial data mining K-means clustering
- Analysis Services使用K-Means聚类分析方法和高斯分布,对输入值执行单一维度聚类分析,以此创建分组。 Analysis Services creates groups by performing single-dimensional clustering on the input values by using the K-Means clustering method with Gaussian distributions.
- K-means聚类算法 K-means clustering algorithm
- 模糊K原型聚类算法 Fuzzy K-Prototypes clustering algorithm
- K-Medoids聚类算法 K-Medoids
- 这种聚类算法可以克服k-means等算法的缺点,实验结果表明该算法具有更好的聚类效果。 This clustering algorithm can overcome the disadvantage of k-means algorithm and the experiments have been implemented to evaluate the efficiency and performance of the algorithm.
- 基于线性聚类算法的轴承钢硬度涡流检测虚拟系统的设计 The Design of Virtual Computer System of Testing Bearing Steel Rigidity Based on Linear Classification Decision - making
- 基于硬C均值聚类算法和支持向量机的电力系统短期负荷预测 Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Hard-C Mean Clustering Algorithm and Support Vector Machine
- ATR聚类算法 clustering algorithm
- FCM聚类算法 FCM Clustering Algorithm
- 减聚类算法 subtractive clustering algorithm
- k-聚类算法 k-cluster algorithm
- FK-聚类算法 FK-means clustering algorithm
- HCM聚类算法 HCM clustering algorithm
- 硬聚类算法 Hard C-Means(HCM)
- 谱聚类算法 spectral clustering
- 凝聚聚类算法 agglomerative clustering
- 模糊聚类算法 fuzzy clustering algorithm
- 快速聚类算法 fast clustering algorithm