- K值法 K value method
- 常数K值法 constant -k -value methnod
- 法 law
- 值 value
- 无法 unable
- 微分中值问题中构造辅助函数的常数K值法 The constant K-value method of constructing auxiliary functions in differential mean value problems
- K值标定 K value calibration
- 曲柄摇杆机构极位夹角新定义及按K值图解设计方法的探讨 The New Definition of Included Angle of Extreme Position of Crank-rocker Mechanism and the Research on Graphic Design Method According to K
- W值法 W value method
- 土壤可蚀性K值 Soil erodibility K-factor
- D值法 amendatory contra-flexure point method
- 双值法 dual crop coefficient
- 商值法 quotient method
- 残值法 residual method
- 阀值法 threshold method
- 小值法 minimum average method
- En值法 En value method
- 余值法 surplus value method
- 阅值法 threshold value algorithm
- 闺值法 thresholding method