- 分子量夸克粒子的一种量子属性,夸克粒子的存在说明了某些特别粒子腐蚀模式的缺乏,这也是J粒子存在时间长的原因 A quantum property of the charm quark whose conservation explains the absence of certain strange-particle decay modes and that accounts for the longevity of the J particle.
- 粒子 particle
- J粒子 particle J
- 基本粒子 elementary particle
- 纳米粒子 nano-particle
- 打点于字母j上 to dot the letter j
- 微粒子 corpuscule
- j形袋 J Shaped Pocket
- B.J.新闻学士 Bachelor of Journalism
- 他在研究这些粒子的性质。 He is studying the properties of these particles.
- 单J形坡口 single-J groove
- 带电粒子 charged particle
- ALV-J avian leucosis virus of subgroup J(ALV-J)
- 振动在一个平衡位置附近一个粒子或弹性固体迅速的直线运动 A rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position.
- J积分 J integral
- 双J管 Double J tube
- 大多数人都熟悉这样一个概念,物质是由叫做原子的极小粒子组成的。 Most people are familiar with the idea that matter consists of very small particles called atoms.
- B-J法 B - J method
- δ粒子 δ-particle
- J函数 J function