- Job-Shop问题 Jop-shop
- 可中断Job-Shop问题 preemptive job-shop scheduling problem
- 论文系统地论述了动态约束满足技术的基本理论与方法,建立了动态约束满足技术的基本分析框架,给出了动态约束满足在Job-Shop问题中的应用实例。 This paper introduces the basic theory of dynamic constraint satisfaction problem(DCSP),classifies the DCSP and makes the frame of analysis of the DCSP based on that,then gives an example of its application to Job_Shop problem.
- 有问题 something the matter
- 没问题 No problem.
- 安全问题 safety issue
- 有问题的 iffy
- Job-Shop Job-Shop
- 大问题 great problem
- Job-Shop类调度 Job-Shop scheduling
- 提出问题 interrogate
- 柔性Job-Shop调度 flexible job- shop scheduling
- Job-shop车间调度 Job-shop scheduling
- 关键问题 sixty-four-dollar question
- 具体问题 concrete issue
- Job Shop单机多目标调度 Job Shop Multiobjective Scheduling on a Single Machine
- 没有问题 all serene
- [job,reputation+] 面临威胁 to be on the line
- 存在的问题 open question
- [+job,course,trip etc] 签约从事 to sign up for