- I used to have lunch at the canteen at ten past twelve. 我常常在12:10在小餐厅吃午饭。
- It's ten past twelve. 现在十二点十分.
- It' s ten o' clock and here is the news. 现在十点钟,新闻广播开始了。
- It was ten past six by the kitchen clock. 厨房的钟六点十分了。
- It means not later than ten past eleven. Is that right? 这就是说不能晚于11点10分,对吗?
- He hardly ever got to bed till past twelve. 他很少在12点以前睡觉。
- It is nearly half past twelve, why haven't you lighted the kitchen fire yet? 都快十二点半了你怎么还不举火?
- It\'s three fifty. ( It\'s ten to four. 现在是三点五十分.;(现在是差十分四点
- We leave school at ten past five every afternoon. 我们每天下午五点十分离校。
- He rides his bike.B.About twenty minutes.C.It’s ten kilometers.D. 这是一份很好的期中练习卷有答案,学生反映都说很好 一、.;听句子,选出其正确答句。
- In his report,Comrade Liu Shaoqi reviewed our experience of the past twelve years,particularly the past four years,and put forward guiding principles for our future work and targets for the next ten years. 刘少奇同志的报告,总结了建国以来十二年、特别是近四年的经验,提出了今后的工作方针和十年的奋斗目标.
- FIFA.com have included our Spanish star's strike among their top ten over the past twelve months, with Emmanuel Adebayor and Michael Essien also representing the Premier League in the running. 国际足联已经把托雷斯的进球入选了过去一年最佳的十佳进球中,其中还有阿德巴约以及埃辛在英超的进球也入围其中。
- We arrived at two o'clock and left at ten past(= ten minutes past two). 我们两点钟到达,十分钟后离开。
- It's ten past one. 现在是1点10分。
- Good lord! It's going on for one o'clock and I promised to see George at half past twelve. 天哪!快1点了,我答应12点半去看乔治的。
- I had a lot of work to do that morning and I only just managed to get to the creek at Tarumi at half past twelve. 那天上午我有好些事要办,到12点半总算勉强赶到了垂水小溪。
- In today's story of our continuous report on TIMA's ten year missions, we introduce you to US TIMA's dental service. 在今天持续介绍的人医10年专题中,要介绍你美国人医会牙医的服务故事。
- No part of this prediction from BusinessWeek’s “Ten Likely Events in 2008” turned out to be even remotely true. 这或许是商业周刊“2008年度十大最可能事件”中最不可能的一个了。
- It uses capacitive touchscreen technology, unlike the resistive touchscreen found on every prior Palm device over the past twelve years. 令人欣慰的是,按键的立体形状得到了保留,尽管这不像一些早期型号那么明显。
- As another year draws to a close, I have pleasure in recollecting how much we have appreciated working with you over the past twelve months. 在又一年即将结束之际,我高兴地回忆起过去这十二月中我们之间的合作是多么融洽。