- The French government has taken steps against suspected Islamic extremists. 法国政府已经采取行动怀疑伊斯兰的极端分子。
- The Barba Mountains are in many ways, the most unlikely heaven for Islamic extremists. 巴尔拜山脉从很多方面来讲,并不是伊斯兰教极端主义者的天堂。
- The United States is fighting two wars and faces a continuing threat from Islamic extremists. 美国现在正深陷于两场战争,面临着伊斯兰极端主义分子的不断威胁。
- America's war against Islamic extremists is at least as much about winning hearts and minds as about military prowess. 在美国对决伊斯兰极端分子的战争中,赢取民心至少和军事实力一样重要。
- During the interview, Mr. Deby called the rebels bandits, thieves, Islamic extremists and Sudanese-backed mercenaries who would probably attack again. 代比总统在接受采访时,说反政府军是盗匪、窃贼、伊斯兰极端份子和苏丹支持的雇佣兵。
- Islamic extremists in Somalia have given the transitional government in Mogadishu until the end of the week to surrender. NPR's Gwen Tompkins has more. 在摩加迪沙的索马里伊斯兰极端分子要求过渡政府截止到本周末投降。NPR新闻,格林.;汤普金斯发回的报道。
- A variety of indications that the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, which is very likely the Islamic extremist elements. 中英文对照:各种迹象表明,此次孟买恐怖袭击事件极有可能是伊斯兰极端主义分子所为。
- "In order to stop Islamic extremists, those terrorists, who would seek to destroy America and our allies, we must do whatever it takes, and we must not blink," said Palin. 她说:“为了阻止伊斯兰极端主义分子,也就是那些试图摧毁美国和我们盟友的恐怖主义分子,我们必须采取一切必要措施,我们不能犹豫不决。”
- Haidong, there are Islamic extremists, "Deccan Jihad forces" out to be responsible for the incident, the official has confirmed that it is not they for? 中英文对照:海东,现在已经有伊斯兰的极端分子,叫“德干圣战军”出来为这起事件负责,现在官方是否已经确认是不是由他们所为?
- Montasser el-Zayat, a lawyer who defended Islamic extremists, told Arabic news channel al-Jazeera the attack might be linked to anger over the recent Israeli offensive in Gaza. Montasser法Zayat ,谁的律师辩护,伊斯兰极端分子,告诉阿拉伯新闻频道半岛的袭击可能与愤怒以色列最近在加沙地带的进攻。
- Democratisation can play into the hands of Islamic extremists such as Hamas (which has won Palestinian elections) and Hizbullah (which enjoys powerful popular support in Lebanon). 即便是极端的伊斯兰分子,如哈马斯和Hizullah,也可以在民主化进程中受益(前者赢得了巴勒斯坦的选举,后者则在黎巴嫩广受支持)。
- Thousands of families have fled an embattled Palestinian refugee camp caught in a crossfire of a conflict between the Lebanese army and Islamic extremists. 成千个家庭已经从被围困的巴勒斯坦的难民营逃离出来,这个难民营如今陷入黎巴嫩军队和伊斯兰极端主义教徒的交战之中。
- His government cited the threat from Islamist extremists. 巴基斯坦政府以来自伊斯兰极端分子的威胁作为引证。
- Fighting has intensified between forces loyal to Somalia's moderate Islamic government and a variety of Islamic extremist groups that control the rest of the country. 忠于索马里温和派伊斯兰政府的武装力量与众多控制着部分国土的伊斯兰极端分子的斗争越发激烈。
- The "base" organization, there is limited contact of terrorist incidents by Islamic extremist ideology and the impact of the attack would be more frequent. 中英文对照:而与“基地”组织有有限联系的恐怖事件和受伊斯兰极端意识形态影响的袭击会比较频繁。
- For the Islamic extremist,those who are against the USA are called terrorists, but those who are against China are called the heros fighting for freedom and democracy. 对伊斯兰极端主义分子而言,反对美国的被称为恐怖分子,反对中国的被称为倡导民族自由和民主的英雄;
- In July, suicide bombers set off explosives outside the U.S. and Israeli embassies in the Uzbek capital, Tashkent. The government blamed foreign Islamic extremists for the attacks. 今年7月,自杀炸弹爆炸分子分别在美国和以色列驻乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干的大使馆外面引爆了炸药。乌兹别克斯坦政府指责是外来伊斯兰极端分子进行的这些袭击。
- Mr.Obama's first foreign-policy challenge likely won't be in Iraq, but in figuring out how to stabilize Afghanistan and squelch Islamic extremists operating along its border with Pakistan. 奥巴马首先面临的对外政策挑战可能不是在伊拉克,而是考虑如何稳定阿富汗局势和打击活跃在巴基斯坦边境的伊斯兰极端分子。
- Taliban militants have pulled out of a peace deal in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region, dealing a blow to the government's efforts to eliminate attacks by Islamic extremists. 在巴基斯坦北瓦济里斯坦部落地区的塔利班武装分子决定退出和平协议,这对巴基斯坦政府消灭伊斯兰极端分子的袭击是一个打击。
- Police attributed the killing to the same Islamic extremists who have been butchering liberal Algerians and all types of foreigners,most recently to try to wreck last week's presidential elections. 这个组织一直不断屠杀属于开明派的阿尔及利亚人与其他的外国人。他们最近的目标是破坏上周的总统大选。