- Ir区 Ir region
- 区 district
- 淋病奈瑟菌mtrR基因启动子区的IR区碱基缺失与其耐药性关系的研究 Study of Relationship Between IR Gene Deletion in The mtrR Gene Promoter and Antibiotic Resistance of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
- 淋球菌染色体mtrR启动子区域的IR区基因突变会引起淋球菌多重耐药株的产生,增加淋球菌对抗生素的抗性。 Mutations in the IR gene of the mtr system of Neisseria gonorrhoeae might result in multiple antibiotic resistance.
- 工作区 workaround
- 区号 district number
- 学区 school district
- 红灯区 red-light district
- 厂区 factory; mill; plant; works
- 大区 pergana
- 明区 hyalomere
- 湖区 limnological region
- 港区 dockland
- 图区 image area
- 信息区 information area
- 片区 section; area
- 保存工作区 save workspace
- 中区 median space
- 水区 water space
- 分区的 divisional