- Kim Akers is a legitimate internal user at Northwind Traders. Kim Akers是Northwind Traders的合法内部用户。
- On the other hand restrict the internal users with WWW proxy daemon procedure. 同时使用WWW应用代理程序,控制内部用户对Internet的访问。
- Similar to the previous entry; how can internal users get access to outside services in a controlled environment? 与前一个条目类似;内部用户怎样访问受控环境中的外部服务?
- These internal users would typically access the site using the same browser and a high-speed LAN connection. 这些内部用户通常会使用相同的浏览器和高速LAN连接访问该站点。
- The following code example demonstrates how to remove a user agent alias from the internal user agent alias collection. 下面的代码示例演示如何从内部用户代理别名集合中移除一个用户代理别名。
- An especially important firewall policy setting is to block internal users from using the DNS protocol to connect to external DNS servers. 一个特别重要的防火墙策略设置是阻塞使用DNS协议去连接到外部DNS服务器的的内部用户。
- Develop and execute standard and customized HRIS reports according to internal user authorization levels. 开发并执行标准,并根据内部用户权限定制HRIS报告;
- Subscriber access is used by the internal users to access their individual mailboxes to retrieve e-mail, voice messages, and contact and calendar information. 内部用户使用订阅者访问来访问他们的单个邮箱,以便检索电子邮件、语音邮件以及联系人和日历信息。
- In this example, a load test scenario can be made to represent virtual customers and another scenario to represent virtual internal users of a Web site. 在此示例中,可使一个负载测试方案表示虚拟客户,另一个方案表示网站的内部虚拟用户。
- This is a site for international users, submit any information in English ONLY! 本网站面向国际,任何信息提交,一律用英文。
- You want to use the Web to let internal users or your customers look at corporate information.But you want to keep installation at the user end simple,and you don't want just anyone to get into your databases. 你要使用Web网站让内部用户或(外部)客户查看公司的信息,但你想要保持用户端安装简单,同时不要让随便什么人能进入你的数据库。
- Internal Intranet Portal or team site: where internal users, or employees, can collaborate on content, information, and applications that are meant for internal organizational use. 内部Intranet门户或工作组网站:其中内部用户或员工可以协作处理供内部组织使用的内容、信息和应用程序。
- Shift your security focus to internal users 将安全焦点转向内网用户
- A careless driver is a menace to all road users. 漫不经心的驾驶员对于路上所有车辆和行人都是危险的。
- Any users of credit may overextend themselves. 每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通过内部通信系统给他发个通知。
- We regret to inform you that we will no longer be supporting withdrawal by e-gold. We have other great alternatives for withdrawing money for North American and International users. 大意:我们很遗憾地通知你,我们将不再支持撤出,由电子黄金。我们有其他伟大的替代撤回钱北美和国际用户。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- This is not the season for internal quarrels. 现在不是内部相争的时候。
- I talked to him on the internal telephone. 我在内部电话上与他交谈。