- IT技术如何应用? Q. How is DO-IT? applied?
- 如何 what
- 物流运输管理系统及IT技术在其中的应用 Application of IT Technology in Logistics Transportation Management System
- IT技术 IT technology
- 热带TCP/IT技术 TCP/IP technique
- 本论文将研究AIS系统的技术特点,提出AIS技术如何应用于航标并实现航标无线监控的思路,并根据国际上发布的AIS技术特性标准搭建一个试验仿真平台来辅以说明。 In this paper the characteristic of AIS system is researched and provide an idea for how to apply AIS system to the AtoN and how to implement wireless surveillance and build an experiment simulation platform for illumination based on the standard of AIS technology issued by international.
- 更多接触最新IT技术 Exposed to the Latest IT Technology
- 论述操作性条件作用如何应用于改进教育质量,举出你自己的实例。 Discuss how operant conditioning can be used to improve the quality of education. Cite your own examples.
- 你觉得他们演奏技术如何? What do you think of their skill?
- 以IT技术实现企业的OA系统 To realize the OA system with IT
- 因此,彻底地知道如何应用扶轮基金会的要求将有益于该地区。 The district would benefit from thoroughly knowing how to apply TRF requirements.
- 业务流程再造与IT技术的关系 Relationship between Business Process Reengineering and Information Technique
- 如何应用工作区映射 How Workspace Mappings are Applied
- 是一种模仿的技术。一种技术如何可以成为一个哲学生命! NLP is just the technique of modeling. How can a technique be a life philosophy!
- 现代IT技术对暖通空调制冷产业的影响 Impacts of modern IT on HVAC & R industry
- 接下来你就可以自己确定这些区别如何应用到你自己的软件开发项目里。 Then you can determine for yourself how these differences would apply to your own software development projects.
- 例2说明了二硅氧烷的交联技术如何和常用的粘合剂用在一起。 Example 2 illustrates how the crosslinking technique of the disiloxane can be used with conventionally used binder materials.
- IT技术下的共同治理型财务控制实现路径探讨 Discussions on Accessing Pathway of Co-governance Type Financial Control Under IT Technology
- 摘要本文在探讨如何应用适当的进戏来协助学龄前期白血病病童面对住院压力。 The purpose of this article was to help one preschool leukemia child to face the stress of hospitalization by using play.
- 商务绩效管理:整合流程和IT技术实施企业战略 Business Performance Management:Integrating Processes and IT Technology to Execute Corporate Strategy