- IP层组播 IP layer muhicast
- 可扩展混合组播协议(SHM)结合了应用层组播和IP组播两者的优点设计而成。 SHM , integrating application-level multicast with IP multicast, is designed. .
- 组 to form
- IP层安全 IP security
- 播 spread
- 层 layer
- 分析了应用层组播路由模型 ,提出了更合理的应用组播路由模型 . Analyzed several models of application-le vel multicast routing problem, and bring forward a new model based on multi-obj ective programming, discussing the solution of the model simultaneously.
- 基于BlockRAM的高端路由器IP层性能统计 IP Layer Performance Statistics in High-end Router Using BlockRAM
- 组播 multicast
- 目的主机的IP层将接收到的所有分片重装成一个完整的数据报。 The IP layer at the receiving host must accumulate these fragments to completely reconstitute the original datagram.
- 网络层中增加了一个负责有线IP分组和无线IP分组的接收及其相互转换的信关IP层; In network layer, we add a new gateway IP layer into additional IP protocol layer to receive and interchange wired IP packet and wireless IP packet;
- 基于主干网信息可扩展的应用层组播 Scalable Application Layer Multicast Based on Backbone Network
- 其中TCP/IP模块的设计又分成6个层设计,分别为:网卡驱动层、ARP层、ICMP层、UDP层、IP层、TCP层。 TCP/IP module again among them is divided into 6 parts which are Network card driver layer, ARP layer, ICMP layer, UDP layer, IP layer and TCP layer.
- 层组 measures
- IP组播技术是服务于群组的通信技术,被广泛用于视音频群组通信。 Nowadays, IP multicast technology is widely applied in video/audio group delivery.
- 通过对IP层到低层协议接口的分析,给出了PRN协议层到IP协议层的界面的描述,设计了实现界面功能的命令和处理过程。 Based on the technical analysis of the connection betWeen lP protocol layer and lOwer protOCOl layer, aninterface between lP and PRN is described in detail, some appropriate commands are added and a series Of procures are designed.
- 目前的数据通信网络体系结构主要包括四层:IP、ATM、SONET/SDH、DWDM,其中IP层承载业务; ATM层实现业务流量工程; Typically, the traditional data network mainly includes four layers: IP,ATM,SONET/SDH,DWDM.
- 提出了一个在Pastry上实现的应用层组播系统。 This paper proposes an application level multicast system(ALMS) on top of P2P network,Pastry.
- 为了从一台计算机向另一台计算机传输数据,在能够完成物理网络传输之前,数据必须经过支持这四个TCP/IP层的通信软件的处理。 To transmit data from one computer to another computer, the data must undergo processing by communication software that supports these four TCP/IP layers before transmission on physical network can be completed.
- IP组播 IP multicast