- IPv6路由 IPv6 route
- 由 to
- IPv6源路由 IPv6 source routing
- 这条路由湖边向西延伸。 The road ranges westward from the lake.
- 路由算法IPV6 routing algorithrn
- Cluster identifier (中间三位) = 局分配到的路由群集。 Cluster identifier (middle three digits) = the routing cluster to which the office is assigned.
- 桥接还是路由? Bridging or routing?
- 半定制路由 semicustom route
- CLU_O = 只对群集路由 CLU_O = cluster only routing
- pccm 表(点编码群集/成员)用于定义本地 SS7 网络内的群集级路由。 The pccm form (point code cluster/member) is used to define cluster level routing within the local SS7 network.
- 路由 routing (in computer networks)
- 每个消息都应该在头中包含信令路由信息。 A message would contain the signaling route information in its header.
- 路由层 router level
- 路由层通信 router level communication
- 路由组 routing group
- Web路由 Web routing
- 消息经纪器根据规则把消息路由出去。 A message broker routes the messages according to the rules.
- QoS路由 QoS routing
- 双路由 double route
- 路由树 routing tree