- IP组播路由与协议 IP multicast and routing protocol
- 分布式多路径QoS组播路由算法与协议研究 Studies on Distributed and Multi-Path QoS Multicast Routing Algorithms and Protocols
- 组播路由协议 multicast routing protocol
- 一种时延受限的低代价移动IP组播路由算法 A low cost routing algorithm for mobile IP multicast with constrained time delay
- 接入以太网上的IP组播与多媒体服务 IP Multicast and Multimedia Services in Access Network Based on Eth ernet
- 一种组播路由算法 a multicast routing algorithm
- 本文阐述了RTP协议的机理和IP组播技术,并对两者在多媒体通信中的结合使用加以分析。 This paper discusses RTP and IP multicast technology, including their applications on multimedia communication.
- 摘要路由与波长分配问题是波分复用光网中的一个关键问题。 Routing and wavelength assignment problem is a key problem for WDM optical networks.
- 路由与波长分配 routing and wavelength assignment
- 基于混合式IP组播的大规模分布式仿真数据传输分配策略 A Hybrid IP Multicast Based Data Dissemination Allocation Strategy in Large Scale Distributed Simulations
- IP组播技术初探 Overviews on IP Multicast technology
- IS-IS路由协议一致性测试的研究与实现 Research and Implementation on the Conformance Testing of the IS-IS Routing Protocol
- AODV路由协议 AODV routing protocol
- IP组播(多播) The IP multicast (broadcasts much)
- 一种单速率组播速率控制与修剪算法 A Rate Control and Pruning Algorithm for Single-rate Multicast Sessions
- 地理路由协议 greedy geographical routing protocol
- IP组播技术是服务于群组的通信技术,被广泛用于视音频群组通信。 Nowadays, IP multicast technology is widely applied in video/audio group delivery.
- 热备路由协议 he hot-spare routing protocol
- 支持高效组播的高性能路由器QoS机制研究与实现 Research and Implementation of a New QoS Mechanism with Effective Multicast Supporting in High Performance Routers
- 分簇路由协议 cluster-based routing protocol