- 广播路由 broadcast routing
- 对于域间路由、IP多播、P2P文件共享等问题,这个假设并不成立。 However this supposition does not come into existence in such problems as domain routing, IP Multicast, P2P file sharing etc.
- 广播路由算法 broadcast routing protoco
- 高速因特网中含卫星单向链路的路由研究 Research on Integrating Satellite Unidirectional Links with High Speed Internet
- IP网络组播路由研究 Research on IP Network Multicast Routing
- 自组网环境下利用单向链路的能源节省路由研究 Energy Conserving Routing Algorithm with Unidirectional Links in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks
- 乌干达HIV感染患者并发瘙痒性丘疹皮损的病因学研究 Etiology of pruritic papular eruption with HIV infection in Uganda
- 针对已有的一些跨层协议进行综合并优化,通过提取网络层的路由信息和物理层的发射功率信息,改进了MAC层TDMA(时分多址)方式下的时隙分配算法。 Following the integration and optmization of some existing cross-layer protocols,the time slot assignment algorithm of MAC layer under TDMA mode is improved by use of the routing information in network layer and transmitting power information in physical layer.
- 卫星网络安全路由研究 Research on secure routing algorithm in satellite networks
- 其他的IP多播协议都依靠某些路由协议,如路由信息协议或开放式最短路径先行协议等。 Other IP Multicast protocols rely on certain routing protocols,such as Routing Information Protocol or Open Shortest Path First.
- Internet QoS路由研究 Research on Internet QoS Routing
- 无线传感器网络洪泛路由研究 Research of Flooding Route of Wireless Sensor Network
- 基于三态内容寻址存储器的路由表压缩和存储技术研究 Research on Routing Table Compression and Storing in Ternary Content Addressable Memory
- 网络中多径路由长度与吞吐量关系研究 Relation between length and throughput of multi-path routing in wireless Ad hoc networks
- 基于改进分布式遗传算法多约束QoS移动IP路由选择 A Multiple Constrained QoS Routing Selection of Mobile IP Based on Extended Distributed Genetic Algorithms
- 一种综合IP层和WDM层资源的光网络动态路由优化模型及其性能研究 Performance Analysis of a Dynamic Routing Optimal Model Integrally Allocating Resources on IP and WDM Layers in Optical Networks
- 基于有限前缀扩展和多Hash函数的动态IP路由查找算法 A Dynamic IP Routing Lookup Algorithm Based on Limited Prefix Expansion and Multiple Hash Function Techniques
- IP-Multicast包括IP组播编址、IP组管理协议、IP组播路由协议和IP组播安全四部分,分别解决Internet上组播 面临的四个问题:如何定义一个组; 应用如何动态加入或退出组; IP multi -cast includes such four sections as multi -cast addressing, IP multi -group management protocol, IP multi - cast routing protocol and IP multi - cast security, which deal with the four problems in Internet respectively: definition of a group, entrance into or exit from a group, delivery of a message to each of the group members at possible low cost and security.