- IP 组播技术等。 IP Multicast technology.
- 在论文中,笔者认真分析和研究了视频会议的有关标准、实现组播的视频会议系统的Socket技术、IP组播技术、音视频编码技术等关键技术。 In paper, author earnestly analyses and researches corresponding standards of videoconference and the key technology of implementing multicast videoconference, including socket technology, ip multicast technology, audio & video coding technology and so on.
- 播 spread
- IP组播技术初探 Overviews on IP Multicast technology
- IP组播技术综述 An Overview of IP Multicast
- 组播 multicast
- 用应用层组播技术解决小规模多点视频会议中的关键问题 Solve the Key Problems in Multi-party Video Conferencing by Using the ALM-technology
- 基于嵌入式和IP多播技术 ,实现嵌入式IP网络多媒体监控系统。 Embedded IP network multimedia supervisory system is implemented based on embedded and IP multicast technology.
- IP组播 IP multicast
- 虚拟企业与IP多播技术 Virtual Enterprises and IP Multicast Technology
- IP层组播 IP layer muhicast
- 可控组播技术 controllable multicast technology
- IP组播的实现 Realization of the Suite of Spreading IP
- 组播过渡技术 transition malticast technology
- IP组播心跳 IP multicast heartbeat
- 应用层组播技术 application layer multicast
- 移动IP组播 Mobile IP Muhicast
- 应用层组播技术研究 Research on Application Layer Multicast Technology
- IP组播兼容性 compatibility with IP multicast
- 组播技术 multicast