- IL-4受体基因 IL-4R gene
- 白细胞介素-4受体基因 Interleukin-4 recepter
- 白介素4受体基因Q576R Interleukin-4 receptor Q576R
- 人可溶性白介素4受体 Soluble interleukin-4 receptor
- H_4受体介导组胺刺激AtT-20细胞分泌ACTH H_4 receptor-mediated stimulation of histamine on AtT-20 cells to release ACTH
- 瘦素受体基因 Leptin receptor gene
- 及整合有人IL-4受体cDNA的CTLL-2/HIL-4R细胞系对人IL-4的特异增殖应答特点。 We reported the characteristics of proliferative response of 30 samples of PHA activated T cells in PBL obtained from normal human donors to rhlL-2 and rhlL-4. The hlL-4 bioactivity was also assessed by its support of the proliferation of CTLL-2/HIL - 4R cell line ,a CTLL-2 derived cell line integrated with hlL -4 receptor CcN A .
- 受体基因 acceptor gene; receptor gene
- 白细胞介素4受体 interleukin- 4 receptors
- β3受体基因 β3-adrenergic-receptor
- 组胺H_4受体调控AtT-20细胞分泌ACTH的研究 Histamine H_4 Receptor Regulates ACTH Release from AtT-20 Cells
- T细胞受体基因 T cell receptor genes
- 5-羟色胺4受体在调节应激大鼠内脏敏感性中的作用 Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine4 receptor agonist and antagonist on visceral sensitivity and plasma serotonin level in rats under partial restraint stress
- 孕酮受体基因 progesterone receptor gene
- 乙烯受体基因 Ethylene receptor gene
- 猪IL-4基因 porcine interleukin-4(IL-4) gene
- 目的探讨白介素2受体(IL-2R)、白介素4受体(IL-4R)、白介素10受体(IL-10R)在慢性特发性荨麻疹(CIU)患者外周血单一核细胞(PBMC)中的表达及与疾病的相关性。 Objective To measure the mRNA expression of interleukin receptors (IL-2R?IL-4R and IL-10R) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU).
- GnRH受体基因 GnRH receptor gene
- IL-8受体基因 IL-8R gene