- IFI-200蛋白家族 IFI-200 protein family
- 姜黄素对胃癌细胞株凋亡抑制蛋白家族及Smac基因表达的影响 Effects of Curcumin on IAPs and Smac Gene Expression of Gastric Cancer Cell Line
- 蛋白家族 Protein family
- IFI组和ENI组的总有效率分别为90.0%和79.0%; The overall response ( CR+PR) rates were 90. 0%25 in IFI group and 79. 0%25 in ENI group.
- 1年内原发灶复发率IFI组(13.0%)明显低于ENI组(23.0%); The 1-year primary tumor failure rate in IFI group (13.0%25 ) was lower than that (23.0%25 ) in ENI group.
- IFI 16及其信号转导途径在系统性红斑狼疮发病中的作用 The role of interferon inducible protein IFI 16 and JAK-STAT pathway in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus
- CCN蛋白家族包含多个成员,它们结构相似,富含半胱氨酸. An emerging family of regulatory proteins referred under the CCN acronyme has been uncovered over the few years.
- Bcl-2蛋白家族 Bcl-2 protein family
- 新发现的SOCS蛋白家族:揭示了创伤和营养不良时代谢异常的机理 A newly identified SOCS protein family: one of the mechanisms of metabolic changes during stress and malnutrition in vivo
- G蛋白家族 G-protein family; guanine nucleotide binding protein family
- 组蛋白家族 histone family
- Eph家族蛋白 Eph family proteins
- PAT家族蛋白 PAT family proteins
- 胱蛋白超家族 cystatins superfamily
- Bcl-2家族蛋白 Bcl-2 family members
- smads家族蛋白 Smads protein
- 14-3-3蛋白家族 14-3-3 protein family
- 应激蛋白70家族 stress-70 family
- 整联蛋白超家族 integrin superfamily
- Src家族蛋白激酶 Src family tyrosine kinases