- IC卡数据 IC data
- 公交IC卡数据 bus IC card data
- IC卡数据加密的研究与实现 Study and implementation of IC cards encryptions
- 卡 to check
- 数据 data
- IC卡数据存储模型的研究 Research on IC Card Data Storage Models
- 基于IC卡数据的深圳地铁OD信息处理技术 OD Matrix of Shenzhen Subway based on IC Data
- 公交IC卡数据处理的换乘矩阵构造方法研究 Transfer Matrix Construction Method Based on Bus IC Card Data Processing
- 声卡数据采集系统 The Data Collecting System Based on the Sound Blaster Card
- 摘要:本文主要介绍新研制的IC卡智能化水表系统结构及技术特点。 Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the systematic structure of an intelligent IC card water meter which is newly developed and its technical characteristics.
- 穿孔卡数据变换器 card data converter
- 参展商均凭交易会IC卡在展馆出入和消费(如电话、餐饮、复印等)。 Participants will use the Fair IC card for entering and exiting the Exhibition Hall as well as for other needs (eg. phone calls, food and beverages, copying).
- 穿孔卡数据处理装置 punched-card processing equipment
- 部门制定了IC卡应用发展规划及相关管理办法,推动了我国智能卡产业的发展。 The Ministry formulated an IC card application and development plan as well as relevant management measures, in a bid to spur the development of the Chinese IC card industry.
- 这也是用于选择虚拟SIM卡数据的代码。 This is also the code for selecting virtual SIM data.
- 小区单相交流感应式电能表的改造及IC卡管理系统的实现 Reconstruction of Single-phase AC Watt-Hour Meter Based on Induct-Mode and Realization of IC Card Management System for Residential Area
- 声卡数据采集在模型验证试验中的应用 DAQ with Sound Card Apply to Model Validating
- 银行IC卡 bank IC card
- 徕卡数据转换EPSW观测数据格式的VB程序 The VB Program of Data Format Transform From Leica to EPSW
- 现在IC卡电话已投入使用。 Now IC card telephones have come into use.