- IC卡智能燃气表 IC card intelligent gas meter
- IC卡智能热量控制表的电路设计 The design of circuit and software of intelligent IC card controlling calorimeter
- IC卡燃气表 IC card gas meter
- 基于PIC单片机的IC卡智能热能表的研制 IC Card Operated Heat Energy Meter Based on a Single-Chip PIC
- 智能 intelligent
- IC卡家用膜式燃气表 IC domestic film gas meter
- 一种IC卡智能门锁的设计 The Design of a Smart IC Card for Public Key
- 燃气表 gas meter
- IC卡智能管理电话机的设计 Design of intelligent management telephone set using IC card
- 膜式燃气表 diaphragm gas meter
- 低功耗CPU卡智能预付费水表的总体设计 The hardware design of low power loss CPU card intelligence per-payment water meter
- 直读式无线燃气表 direct-reading wireless gas meter
- 燃气表安装问题的探讨 Probe into Issues on Gasometer Installation
- 一种新型IC卡智能电表及其应用 A new type of smart electric meter with a prepayment IC-card and its application
- 膜式燃气表的在线检定 Verification of Diaphragm Gas Meters In the Field
- 参展商均凭交易会IC卡在展馆出入和消费(如电话、餐饮、复印等)。 Participants will use the Fair IC card for entering and exiting the Exhibition Hall as well as for other needs (eg. phone calls, food and beverages, copying).
- 燃气表户外安装方式的探讨 Discussion on Outdoor Installation Mode of Gas Meter
- 家用燃气表的超压防护措施 Protective Measures for Overpressure of Domestic Gas Meter
- 公交IC卡智能管理系统的设计 Design of Public Traffic IC Cards Intelligent Management Systems
- 杭州贝特燃气表有限公司。 Hangzhou beta gas meter co., Ltd.