- I/O请求包 I/0 request packet(IRP)
- 请求 request
- I/O请求 I/O request
- I/O请求包(IRP) IRP
- 第六章,“即插即用”,仅涉及到一种类型的I/O请求包,即IRP_MJ_PNP。 Chapter 6, "Plug and Play for Function Drivers ," concerns just one type of I/O request packet, namely IRP_MJ_PNP.
- I/O扩展 I/O expansion
- 发送请求 RTS
- 智能I/O Intelligent I/O(I20)
- 请求的 open-eared
- 路径失败时I/O请求直接发送给HBA驱动程序,避免了磁盘驱动程序中的无效重试过程,缩短了故障切换时间。 The failover time is reduced by skipping the retry operations of the disk device driver.
- ET-200.主分布式I/O ET--200. DP--master
- 待处理请求 pending request
- VCN-MI多I/O智能节点 VCN-MIO intelligent node
- 根据贵公司的请求,谨寄上我公司最新价目表,请查收。 In accordance with your wish, we are sending you enclosed our latest price-list.
- 我想请求你的帮助。 I wish to ask a favour of you.
- 运行时字符集依赖于连接到程序的I/O设备,但通常是ASCII的超集. The run-time character set depends on the I/O devices connected to the program but is generally a superset of ASCII.
- 诉讼请求 claims
- 提出请求 Make a request
- 他请求挚友相助。 He solicited aid from his close friends.
- 元音字母英语字母表中a,e,i,o,u之一,有时字母y也在此列,表示一个元音 A letter, such as a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y in the English alphabet, that represents a vowel.