- John I've got an idea for you, Malcolm. 我倒替你想出了一个主一。
- They've got nothing on me I've got an alibi. 他们没抓我的罪证,我有不在现场的证据。
- I have got an amazing idea. 我有了个惊人的主意。
- I've got an amazing idea. 我有了个惊人的主意。
- I'd love to,but I've got an exam that afternoon. 我很想去,但是那天下午我要参加一个考试。
- Yes,I've got an appointment in half an hour. 对,半小时后我有一个约会。
- Ahh! I've got an email from little Tom! 啊!我收到了小汤姆的电子邮件!
- "I've got an awful headache," he answered. “我头疼的要命,”他回答说。
- Ve got a stomachache. I've got an upset stomach. 我胃疼。我的胃很不舒服。
- I’ve got an ek-a-lec-tic reading list. 我的书单包罗万象。
- Goodness,is it nearly ten o'clock? I've got an appointment. 我的天!是不是快10点了?我有个约会。
- Well,I've got an appointment with Mr Jones next Sunday,I'm sorry. 喔,下星期天我同琼斯先生有约,对不起。
- Please do any hurry up! I've got an appointment in fifteen minutes. 请快一点!十五分钟後我有个约会。
- I have to get to sleep soon, I've got an early start tomorrow. 我一会儿就得去睡觉了,明天我有事要早起。
- Example: I've got an interview tomorrow and I'm dreading it. 我明天要参加面视,真有点担心。
- What's wrong with you? I've got an earache. I'm sorry to hear that. 你哪不舒服?我牙痛。听见这(消息)我很难过。
- Ve got an appointment at seven-thirty. 点半有一个约会。
- Ve got an appointment with Mr. Craig. 我和克莱格先生有个约会。
- We would get an amazing figure if suming up all the visitors of the exhibition in the past week. 我们如果把过去一周的展览会参观人数加起来,我们会得出一个惊人的总数。
- Good luck.I've got an awesome job, a new apartment, and I've made good friends. 最近有一连串的好运,一份好工作,新公寓,还有好多朋友。