- I'll unhair your head. 我要拔掉你头上的头发。
- Sam: You miserable little maggot! I'll stove your head in! 山姆:你这条该死的蛆!我要把你的脑袋丢到炉子里烤!
- If you lose your head, I'll find you, sending you my kiss. 如果你头脑发热,我会帮着找回你,送去我的亲吻。
- I often wonder whether you've got your head screwed on. 我常常不知道你是不是头脑清醒。
- If you wanna keep going, you'll have to carry me. I'll pee on your head. 如果你还想走; 你就得背着我;然后我就尿你头上.
- Okay, Yael. Let's try it. Nod your head yes and I'll tell you how great I am. 好吧,耶尔。让我们试一下。点头表示赞同,我会告诉你我的感觉是多么好。
- He'll talk your head off if you give him a chance. 他一有机会就会对你说个没完。
- You must hold all what I said in your head. 你必须记住我所说的一切。
- Stop bothering your head about it. 别再为这件事伤脑筋。
- Be sober-minded. Don't lose your head. 清醒一点,不要头脑发昏。
- Mind you don't knock your head (on this low beam). 小心,别(让这根低梁)撞著头。
- I hope you will put the idea out of your head. 我希望你去掉这种想法。
- Don't let all this praise turn your head. 不要让这些赞扬冲昏你的头脑。
- Be careful not to strike your head against the mantel. 小心不要使你的头撞到壁炉架。
- Pack it in,you kids,or I'll bang your heads together! 停下来止,你们这些小孩,再干就揍你们!
- Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling. 天花板很低,留神别碰头。
- Don't stick your head out of the train window. 不要把头伸出火车窗外面。
- What ever put that idea in your head? 到底是什么使你想出那个主意的?
- Pack it up, you kids; or I'll bang your heads together! 住手, 你们这些小孩, 再弄就揍你们!
- You mustn't let this success go to your head. 你不能让这一成功冲昏头脑。