- That unopened jar of stink meat sat in the refrigerator, staring at me, like some sort of science experiment for months before I finally couldn’t take it anymore and tossed it out. 那罐没开过的散发臭味的肉在冰箱里放着,盯着我,有点像科学试验,这样足足有几个月之久,直到我实在受不了它而把它扔了。
- Running, running away I must hide Can't take it anymore. 又一次,我跑,我逃,走得越远越好。
- I wonder whether I can possibly take it away? 不知我是否可以把它拿走?
- Please don' t take it amiss, if I point out your errors. 假如我指出你的错,请别见怪。
- I do not think I can take it over,actually. 我想我实际上不能把它接过来。
- I can not take it anymore. 我受不了了!
- I don't think I can take it over,actually. 我想我实际上不能把它接过来。
- I don't think I can take it over, actually. 我想我实际上不能把它接过来。
- I want the straight dope, I can take it. 我要的是实情。我经受得住。
- Come on! I can take it! Sock it to me! 来!讲给我听吧!我能受得住。
- I do not think I can take it over, actually. 我想我实际上不能把它接过来。
- I have run the play school for two years now and I wish I could find somebody to take it off my hands so that I can devote more time to my own children. 现在我已经办了两年运动学校,我希望我能够找到承担我的责任的人,这样我就可以有更多的时间来照管我的自己的孩子。
- Don't bother with a local anaesthetic, I can take it. 别为局部麻醉操心了,我受得了。
- Don't bother with a local anaesthetic,I can take it. 别为局部麻醉操心了,我受得了。
- It's the best offer I can make. Take it or leave it. 这是我能出的最低价,不要拉倒。
- If you steal my car, I can take it back (exclude you from my car). 如果你偷了我的汽车,我可以将它找回来。
- Don' t take it personally. A "rebellion" that at first seems directed at you may turn out to be nothing of the sort. 不要自以为是一个起初似乎是冲你而来的“逆反行为”,结果也许根本不是那么回事。
- She has turned a blind eye to his actions as long as she could, but she can't take it anymore. 她一直尽可能对他的所作所为视而不见,但她现在终于忍无可忍了。
- I can't take it anymore. 我受不了了!
- I can’t be interested in herrings anymore. 而且,如果不吃东西你会死的。”