- H点区域 H point zone
- 属性,可以指定作用点区域的名称。 Property to specify the name of the hot spot region.
- H点位置 H point position
- 尾叶桉种子园群体改良自由授粉家系子代多点区域试验研究 Progeny Test for the Open-pollinated Families of Eucalyptus urophylla in Multiple Sites
- K比例H点标准加入法同时测定锌与镉 Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Zinc and Cadmium by K-Ratio and H-Point Standard Addition Method
- 打印区域 print area
- 如何建立带有可点区域的图象热点,并且每个区域都为超级连接。 Create an image map How to create an image map, with clickable regions. Each of the regions is a hyperlink.
- H点标准加入光度法同时测定膳食纤维中己糖和戊糖 Simultaneous determination of hexose and pentose in dietary fibre by H-point standard addition spectrophotometric method
- 点亮 illumine
- 早点 (n) breakfast; light breakfast
- 区域经理 regional manager
- 甜点 dessert
- 数据区域 list range
- 区域设置 page range
- 基于人体工程学约束的汽车驾驶员动态H点人体机构的研究 Dynamic H-Point Drver's Mannequin Based on Restraint of Ergonomics
- 工作区域 work area
- 几点 some
- 区域经济 regional economies
- 点钟 o'clock
- 点的 punctual