- The British image in Lao She s novels has op... 老舍小说中的英国形象为读者打开了一扇审视世界的窗户。
- Zhao Shuli s novels embodies elegance from its popularization. 赵树理小说在通俗化中呈现出了高雅的氛围。
- Many critics saw flashes of E.H. in the young M.'s novel. 许多评论家称在年轻的M.;的小说中有海明威的影子。
- Creative mentality is the cause of Zhang Ailing’s novels’ “sombre” meaning. 创作心态是张爱玲小说“苍凉”意味形成的原因。
- Second , it will analyze the comedic style of Wang xiao-bo"s novels . 喜剧性在王小波的小说创作观念中占有着非常重要的地位;
- This essay analyses the irrational passion in Stefan Zweig"s novels. 本文对茨威格小说中的非理性激情进行研究。
- Most of the characters inM.. Shen Congwen"s novels are common people. 小说描写的人物多数是普普通通的百姓。
- A multi-faceted film based on Raymond Jean&&9;s novel "La Lectrice". 康斯坦斯睡在床上大声朗诵小说给爱人听。
- Huang Biyun's novels 黄碧云小说
- Natural sex, childlike innocence and strength are the natural expressions of life in SHEN's novels. 这种精神浸透到了它的生命形态、运观念、世精神之中。
- The first part studied the formative reasons of the tragical significance in Conrad’s novels. 第一部分考察了康拉德小说创作的悲剧意蕴的形成原因。
- "Rakish & thoughtful" are the key features of Bi"s novels, existing throughout his compositions. “轻盈而凝重”是毕飞宇小说的最大特点,存在于他小说创作的始终。
- Murakami Haruki’s novels possess both the characteristics of the popular literature and the scholastic literature. 村上春树的小说兼具大众文学与精英文学的特点。
- There are two rhetoric anamorphoses in Poe s novels about "say this but refer to that": allegory and irony. “言此意彼”的叙事方式在坡的小说创作中表现出两种修辞变体:寓意与反讽。
- The sexual love pursuit in Mo Yan s novels has gone through a procss from normality to abnormality. 莫言小说性爱诉求的运行轨迹是从常态走向变态,即从“野性的证明”走向了“泛性的枵渴”。
- Now restudy Yeshengtao’s novels and find the fact of his creation, may have good effect on the literary world today. 重新研究叶圣陶1920年代的小说创作,探究其真实面目,对当下文坛有重要的借鉴意义。
- Objective To seek the plentifulness of Zhang Ailing s novels artistic form commanded by the ideological content. 目的:探寻张爱玲小说思想性统率下的艺术形式的丰富性。
- Chapter V is the conclusion focusing on the influence of Euro-centrism on O"Brien"s novels. 第五章总结了欧洲中心主义意识对奥布莱恩的影响。
- The first section analyses the language function of Shituo"s novels and illuminates the intermixed language strategies. 第一部分分析师陀小说的语言功能,观照文本糅合化的语言策略。
- In some of Bunin’s novels, description obtains the leading position, and the plot is the regular phenomenon which is manifested by the description. 在布宁的一些小说中,描写性占主导地位,情节性是作为描写性所显示出的合乎规律的经常性现象。