- How can they fail to know it? But you never can tell. 他们怎么会不知道呢?不过也难说。
- How can they afford it? That's what I'd like to know. 他们怎么买得起这东西?这倒是我所想知道的。
- They fail to take it a step further. 但他们未能采取了一步。
- How can they know what they can do with a tool unless they experiment with it? 只有通过尝试,否则用户又如何知道使用工具能做些什么呢?
- How can they expect us to do business with them after being such cheapskate? 这么个小气鬼,他们还期望我们和他们做生意呀?
- I know, Dr. Manette--how can I fail to know--that, mingled with the affection and duty of a daughter who has become a woman, there is, in her heart, towards you, all the love and reliance of infancy itself. 我知道,曼内特医生,我怎么能不知道呢,她心里除了一个逐渐成年的女儿的感情和孝心之外,还有她婴儿时期的全部的爱和依赖。
- How can they be used to move stones? 搬运石头,太失身份?
- It was clear that they were dying to know it. 很明显,他们非常想知道这件事。
- How can they make me catcher just because I am big? 他们怎么可以因为我块头大,就要我当捕手?
- But how can they know you were not cheating? 他们怎么知道你没有作弊?
- How was she to know it was a lethal weapon? 她怎么会知道它却是致命的武器呢?
- They fail to revive the economy. 他们没有能够使经济复苏。
- How can they possibly know all this? 他们怎能这样无所不晓?
- How can they just keep talking among themselves? It is so rude. 怎么他们自顾自地谈着?真是太没礼貌了。
- They failed to find any trace of the runaways. 他们未能找到逃跑者的任何踪迹。
- When did you learn it [get to know it]? 你什么时候知道的?
- Jake: I can't believe the discounts. How can they do it? 杰克:真不敢相信这些折扣。他们怎麽办得到的?
- In time I hope to know it better. 我希望将来能对它熟悉起来。
- They squander cash on raising funds; they hoard it; they fail to oversee how efficiently they spend it. 他们把大量钱款浪费在了积累基金上面;它们囤积资金;又没有有效的使用那些善款。
- Yes,have a try and you'll get to know it. 对的,试一试你就会知道。