- Hot topic of general public 社会民生关注的重点之一
- Foot- and - mouth disease has become a hot topic of gossip. 口蹄疫成了街谈巷议的热门话题。
- Administrative development has been a hot topic of public administration and it has been an era full of multiple values and obscurity. 行政发展已经成为公共管理的显学,并且正处于一个价值观多元、模糊的时代。
- Beijing property market why there are unsalable condition, how its future direction has become a hot topic of concern. 北京楼市为何出现滞销状态,其今后的走向如何已成为人们关注的一大热点。
- It is a hot topic of the health law study whether it is an independent legal department. 卫生法是否为独立的法律部门,是卫生法学研究的热点问题。
- Adjustment of the cutoff point has been one of the most discussed topics of the general public in recent years. 起征点的调整在这些年一直是公众讨论最多的话题。
- Search engine ranking algorithm to improve the analysis, this is the current hot topic of. 搜索引擎排名改进算法分析,这是当前比较热门的课题了。
- Biological vision is a topic of general interest in the field of sci ence and technology. 生物视觉是目前科学技术研究的热点之一。
- Therefore, in 2001 the Shenzhen Bo meeting, the accession to WTO Security on the profession to become a hot topic of discussion and focus attention. 因此,在2001年深圳安博会上,加入WTO,就成为安防界人士议论的热门话题和焦点关注。
- Van Til's threefold perspectival scheme appears in a series of chapters devoted to the topic of general revelation. 范泰尔的三重视角架构,出现在他讨论普遍启示的一系列篇章里。
- MEMS technology is a hot topic of science and industry in the 21st century, and micro-fabrication technologies are the key to the MEMS development. MEMS(微电子机械系统)是21世纪科技与产业的热点之一,而微细加工技术又是MEMS发展的重要基础。
- As one of the most important components of general public policies, nutrition policy is guaranteed in institutional design by making nutrition law. 一、制定法律,从制度设计上保证营养工作作为政府公共政策的重要组成部分。
- MEMS technology is a hot topic of science and industry in the 21th century, and microfabrication technologies are the key to the MEMS development. MEMS(微机电系统)是 21 世纪科技与产业的热点之一, 而微细加工技术又是MEMS 发展的重要基础。
- The development of newtype internals in ethylene cracking tubes has been and will continue to be the hot topic of heat transfer enhancement. 设计新型强化传热构件,并利用先进的CFD技术模拟优化设计过程是目前乙烯裂解炉管强化传热研究的主要方向。
- The research and development of nanometer-sized solid powdermaterials are a topic of general interest in the material field at present. 对纳米级固体粉末材料的研究与开发是当前材料领域中非常热点的课题。
- Inorganic polymer coagulant development and application has become a hot topic of chemical task for science environment and chemical workers. 摘要: 无机高分子絮凝剂的研制与应用已成为环境科学和化学工作者的热门课题。
- The general public objects to the use of drugs. 大众反对使用毒品。
- BACKGROUND: The mechanical parameters of non-throwing arm at the stage of final exertion for the javelin, is a hot topic of digital sports medicine. 背景:以三维力学分析标枪非投掷臂最后用力阶段的相关参数,是数字化运动医学研究的热点。
- He was exalted to the position of general manager. 他被提升到总经理的职位。
- Unifying the mark line of the entrance examination for college matriculation has once been a hot topic of the“two conferences”this year. “统一高考录取分数线”一度成为今年“两会”期间的热点话题。