- Holothuria edulis n. 红腹海参
- Lonicera edulis is the plant of Caprifoliaceae. 蓝靛果是忍冬科植物。
- Lonicera caerulea L. var. edulis Turcz. ex Herd. 蓝锭果忍冬
- Passionfora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. (搜藏的哦,网上查的!
- To study the antimutagenesis effects of Lonicera edulis . 采用小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验。
- Fruit anatomy of Lonicera edulis and its taxonomic significance. 兰靛果忍冬的果实解剖及其分类意义.
- CONCLUSION*!Lonicera edulis had antifatigue effects. 蓝靛果具有抗疲劳作用。
- Study on the development of female and male gametophyte of Lonicera edulis L. 兰靛果忍冬大小孢子发生与雌雄配子体的发育。
- Objective:To study optimum planting density and sowing depth of Tulipa edulis. 目的:研究光慈菇最佳的人工栽培密度、深度等。
- The flask ethanol fermentation Conditions of Canna edulis Ker were studied. 对芭蕉芋糖化液的三角瓶酒精发酵条件进行了研究。
- A species of edible mushroom(Boleteus edulis) widely distributed in woodlands. 美味牛肝菌:一种可食蘑菇(美味牛肝菌),广泛分布于林地
- Floral buds of Passiflora edulis Sims were used as explants in tissue culture. 以紫果西番莲的花蕾为材料,进行组织培养愈伤组织诱导的研究。
- Luxurious carpet of white stockings, and so on Holothuria you. Very good-looking feet. 名贵地毯上的白色丝袜玉足等你来。非常好看的脚部。
- ABSTRACT Objective:To study the antithrombotic effects of Holothuria Ldeucospilota Acidic Mu-copolysaccharide(HLAM). 摘要 目的:研究玉足海参酸性粘多糖的抗血栓形成作用。
- Many creatures are unattached but motionless, as is the case with oysters and the so-called holothuria. 许多生物是独立但静止的,如同牡蛎和所谓的HOLOTHURIA。
- OBJECTIVE:To establish the method to identify the polysaccharide element in Holothuria atra Jeager by spectroscopy. 目的:建立以光谱法鉴定黑海参中多糖成分的方法。
- Kanaya Holothuria living museum that you are an ideal choice for leisure stay, we will be warm, beautiful environment to welcome your arrival! 金屋玉足生活馆是您休闲住宿的理想选择,我们将以热情的服务,优美的环境欢迎您的到来!
- Kanaya Holothuria Museum is a life-foot, massage, bath, room and part-time business meetings as one of the major leisure venues fitness. 金屋玉足生活馆是集足道、按摩、洗浴、钟点房及商务洽谈为一体的大型休闲健身场所。
- An evergreen shrub(Catha edulis) native to tropical East Africa, having dark green opposite leaves that are chewed fresh for their stimulating effects. 阿拉伯茶一种常绿灌木丛(阿拉伯茶阿拉伯茶属)原产于东非热带地区,叶深绿色,对生,生嚼时具有刺激作用
- The action on derating blood-pressure of Lonicera edulis fruit was proved by pharmacology experiment. 药理实验表明,其果实具有降低血压作用。