- Hoelder函数类 Hoelder class
- 函数类 classes of functions
- 函数类s S-class of functions
- 函数类逼近 approximation of the class of functions
- Hoelder模 Hoelder norm
- Hoelder范数 Hoelder norm
- Holder函数类 conjugate Holder class
- Hoelder指数 Holder exponent
- Hoelder不等式 Hoelder's inequality
- 局部Hoelder连续 locally Hoelder continuous
- 周期可微函数类 periodic differentiable class
- 逆Hoelder不等式 reverse Hoelder inequality
- 胺类 amine
- 聚类分析 cluster analysis
- 灵长类 Primates
- 果类 fruit
- 类项 category
- 布类 mercery
- 第一类 first kind
- 蔬菜类 greengrocery