- High phosphorous hematite ore 高磷赤铁矿尾矿
- This paper briefly deseribes the experiment of high phosphorous manganese ore bymagnetic separation and antiflotation for beneficiation of mansan ese and decreasing phosphorous. 简介了以磁选-反浮选工艺对高磷锰矿富锰降磷的试验研究。
- Svanbergite high phosphorous iron ore 含菱磷铝锶矾高磷铁矿石
- The effective separation of hematite ore is of major significance to the development of iron and steel industry. 赤铁矿的有效选别对钢铁工业的发展有重大的作用。
- In all production practice and research at present, quartz is the main gangue mineral in hematite ore and the flotation target. 在目前所有的生产实践和研究工作当中,石英是赤铁矿矿石中主要的脉石矿物和浮选对象。
- The growth of P. subcordiformis is strongly depressed by high density U. pertusa even at high phosphorous availability. 结果显示,不论营养盐浓度如何,高密度的孔石莼皆能显著抑制浮游微藻的生长。
- The characteristics of direct indirect flotation have remarkable superiorities in treating lean impurified fine hematite ore. 正-反浮选对于处理贫、细、杂的赤铁矿有比较明显的优势。
- The process flowsheet is simple,and shows good suitability.It is a successful example for processing of refractory hematite ore. 该工艺结构简单,适应性强,是选别难选赤铁矿较为成功的实例。
- Research is made on the reverse flotation by flotation column for desilication in order to improve the concentrate of magnetic separation of a hematite ore concentrator. 针对提高某赤铁矿选矿厂的磁选精矿品位进行了浮选柱反浮选脱硅试验研究。
- The difficulty of degumming storage-damaged soybean crude oil and high phosphorous content of degummed oil are apparently related to chemical changes of the phospholipids compositions. 受损害大豆毛油水化脱胶困难及脱胶后油中磷含量偏高均与磷脂组份发生化学变化有关。
- The comparison test with MPD petroleum sodium sulphonate collector on Qidashan lean hematite ore showed a collector cost reduction of25%, a collector consumption reduction of48% and a good flotation effect. 试验结果表明,以齐大山贫赤铁矿石为对象,与MPD石油磺酸钠捕收剂进行对比,捕收剂成本下降25%25,捕收剂用量降低48%25,试验取得较好效果。
- The comparison test with MPD petroleum sodium sulphonate collector on Qidashan lean hematite ore showed a collector cost reduction of 25%,a collector consumption reduction of 48% and a good flotation effect. 试验结果表明 ,以齐大山贫赤铁矿石为对象 ,与MPD石油磺酸钠捕收剂进行对比 ,捕收剂成本下降 2 5%25 ,捕收剂用量降低 48%25 ,试验取得较好效果。
- High phosphor cast iron brake shoe 高磷闸瓦
- Study on Direct-indirect Flotation of Hematite Ore 赤铁矿的正-反浮选研究
- Research on Mineral Processing Process for High Phosphorous Hematite-Limonite Ore from Dongchuan Baozipu, Yunnan 云南东川包子铺高磷赤褐铁矿石选矿工艺研究
- On Beneficiation Technology for Hematite Ore of Tiekeng Iron Mine 铁坑褐铁矿选矿工艺研究
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。