- Hess-Smith方法 Hess-Smith method
- Smith方法 smith method
- Hess-Smith法 Hess-Smith method
- Hess试验 Hess test
- Marple-Hess棱镜 Marple-Hess prism
- 引进了一种新的训练方法。 A new training method was introduced.
- Hesss law 赫斯定律
- 他们商议扩展业务的最好方法。 They conferred on the best way to expand business.
- law of Hess (热守恒定律) 盖斯定律
- 太多高中老师只是采用填鸭方法灌输学生。 Too many high school teachers just spoon-feed their students.
- Joey Hess写了一个可以产生映射站 Joey Hess wrote a script that produces a
- 侦查方法 methods of investigation
- 我喜欢这一种英语教授方法。 I prefer this system of teaching English.
- 应用微机图像技术实现眼科HESS屏检查自动测量 Automation of HESS Screen test for ophthalmologyby using correction algorithem ofgeometry distortion of space image
- 你知道其他增加变化的方法吗? What other ways do you know to add variety?
- 这些方法已废而不用了。 These methods have fallen into disuse.
- 他们用抽签的方法来决定谁先开始。 They drew lots to decide who should begin.
- hess和Smith在用源汇法解三维无升力势流问题时导得了源四边形的法向诱导速度的解析表达式,其结果用设在该四边形上的局部坐标表示. In dealing with calculation of the normal polygon velocity induced by a source polygon there was a known result derived by Hess and Smith in terms of local coordinates of the polygon's corners and the point to be considered under a coordinate axis system located in the polygon.
- 许多现代机器革新了耕作方法。 Many modern machines have revolutionized farming.
- 一种完全不同的方法 a radically different approach