- Hermite五次元 fifth-order element of Hermite type
- 元 primary
- 五 five
- 五号 the fifth
- 五次Hermite插值 quintic Hermite interpolation
- 五金 hardware
- 五次 quintic
- 二元五次样条 bivariate quintic splines
- 这五次试验所获得的结果迥然不同. The five experiments gave quite disparate results.
- 他们五次击中,一次未中。 They got five hits and one miss.
- 五次的 quintic
- 百万的五次方 quintillion
- 五次B样条Galerkin有限元方法 quintic B-spline Galerkin finite element method
- 百万的五次幂基数等于1030 The cardinal number equal to1030.
- 连续五次 Five times in a row
- 五次群 quinary group
- 五次量 quintic
- 具有四对特殊方向的一类平面齐五次系统的全局拓扑结构 Global Topological Structure of a Kind of Plane Homogeneous Fifth System with Four Special Direction
- 一类五次多项式系统无穷远点等时中心条件与极限环分支 Isochronous center conditions and limit cycles at infinity for a class of fifth systems
- 当他不高兴的时候,他就会深呼吸五次来使自己平静下来。 When he gets upset, he takes five deep breaths to calm himself down.