- Hermite多项式展开 Hermite development
- Hermite多项式 Hermite polynomial
- 多项式展开法 polynomial expansion method
- 切比雪夫矩阵多项式展开法 Chebyshev method
- 派生Hermite多项式插值公式 derivation Hermite polynomial interpolation formula
- 展开 to unfold
- 基于 Zernicke 多项式展开的逆阿贝尔变换 Inverted Abel Transform Based on Zernicke Polynomials Expansion
- 展开的 evolving
- 利用对大气环流特征参量的计算和环流分型及车贝雪夫多项式展开等方法,建立不同时间尺度的预报方法,预测连阴雨的发生时间及长度。 Using calculating circulation parameters, classifying circulation patterns and spreading polynomials, the methods for forecasting the day and durationof continuous overcast and rainy days have been establised.
- 关于斜Hermite矩阵乘积之迹的不等式 On the Inequalities for Trace of Product of Skew-Hermitian Matrices
- 展开图 stretch out view
- G~2三次Hermite样条曲线形状的交互修改 Interactive Shape Modification of the G~2 Cubic Hermite Spline Curves
- 凸轮机构从动件的Hermite修正等速运动规律 The HERMITE Revised Iso-Velocity Motion Law of Followers in Cam Mechanism
- 利用有限域上Hermite矩阵的标准型构造卡氏认证码 Using normal form of Hermite matrices over finite fields to construct cartesian authentication codes
- 展开剂 developing agent
- 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数 The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- 展开式 expanded form
- 多项式平差 polynomial adjustment
- 他们对这一事件展开调查。 They held an inquiry into the incident.
- 孔雀展开了它的尾巴 The peacock displayed its fan.