- He took off his jacket and loosened his tie. 他脱下夹克,松开领带。
- He loosened his tie. 他松开了领带。
- After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep. 他饱餐一顿以後就松开腰带睡著了。
- He loosened his collar of his overcoat. 他解开了大衣领口。
- Dad fingered his knife and loosened his tie. 山姆眨了两次眼睛,口中却没有回答,爸爸拿起刀子,解开领带。
- He loosened his grip and let her go. 他松手放开了她。
- He loosened his coat but didn't take it off. 他解开了上衣,但并没有脱掉。
- His hand went up to his collar and started to loosen his tie. 他的手伸向领子,开始解领带。
- He loosened his tie 他松开了领带。
- He toils until the wee hours, then loosens his tie and parties like there's no tomorrow. 他加班工作直至凌晨,然后松开领带,尽情狂欢,就像是没有明天。
- He took off his jacket and hr shoes and loosened his tie while she sat in the chair opposite him with a grave little smile on her face. 他脱掉了上衣和鞋,松开了领带; 她呢,坐在对面的椅子上,脸上带着严肃的微笑。
- He loosened his collar and tie. 他松开衣领和领带。
- He twitched nervously at his tie. 他紧张地拽了拽领带。
- He loosened his grip on Trinket's wrist.'Yes, Goong-goong!'Trinket hurried over to the wall and tinkered noisily with the brass fittings on the candle-holder. 急忙走开,快步走到安在墙壁上的烛台之侧,伸手拨动烛台的铜圈,发出叮当之声,说道:“点着了!”
- He looked in the glass to check that his tie was straight. 他对著镜子看领带是否系正。
- In the darkness he loosened his sheath knife and taking all the strain of the fish on his left shoulder he leaned back and cut the line against the wood of the gunwale. 他摸黑拔出鞘中的刀子,用左肩承担着大鱼所有的拉力,身子朝后靠,就着木头的船舷,把那根钓索割断了。
- He concealed the key inside his tie. 他把钥匙藏在领带里面。
- He loosened his collar. 他解开了领口。
- He adjusted his tie in a mirror. 他照镜子调整领带。
- He sat down and unloosened / loosened his belt. 他坐下来解开了腰带。