- He has neither prepared his lesson nor gone to bed. 他没有准备功课也没有睡觉。
- He didn't know a thing about the verb, for he had not studied his lessons. 他对动词一无所知,因为他没有好好学习功课。
- Tom was trying to study his lesson,but his mind kept branching off onto what girl he should ask to go with him to the dance. 汤姆试着“做功课”,但该请哪位女孩为的舞伴的念头却老是打岔。
- Tom was trying to study his lesson, but his mind kept branching off onto what girl he should ask to go with him to the dance. 汤姆试着“做功课”,但该请哪位女孩为的舞伴的念头却老是打岔。
- He's studying his lesson. 他在学习功课。
- He plods away at his lesson until he learn them. 他埋头学习功课直到学会为止。
- He didn't go over his lesson last night. 昨晚他没有复习功课。
- He paid attention to his lesson. 他很注意他的功课。
- He knew his lesson Backwards and forwards. 他彻底了解他的功课。
- Let' s study the thirteenth lesson. 让我们学习第十三课。
- He was reviewing his lesson at three yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午3点他在复习功课。
- He knew his lesson and was forward with his answers. 他掌握好了课文,能迅速回答问题。
- He had learned his lesson,and wouldn't repeat the mistake. 他已经吸取了教训,不会重犯错误的。
- When studying,he focused his attention on his lessons. 学习时,他聚精会神地钻研功课。
- Only if the exam comes,will he begin to review his lesson. 只有考试来临的时候,他才开始复习。
- He' s studying the occurrence of accidents on this piece of road, ie how often, etc they take place. 他在研究这段路上发生事故的情形.
- It does seem as if he's learnt his lesson,@ added the beetle. “他看起来好像已经从中吸取到教训了,”甲虫接着说道。
- When studying, he focused his attention on his lessons. 学习时,他聚精会神地钻研功课。
- The teacher illustrates his lesson with pictures. 这个老师用图画讲课。
- The young man has learned his lesson and won't drive under the influence again. 小伙子已得到了教训,再也不敢酒後开车了。