- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome. 他是瘦长脸,一点也不漂亮。
- She makes eyes at the handsome young man. 她向那位英俊的小伙子送秋波。
- He is as handsome as (handsome) can be. 他潇洒极了。
- Her bridegroom is a handsome young man. 她的新郎是一个英俊的年轻人。
- Her husband is a very handsome young man. 她丈夫是一个非常英俊的年轻人。
- The deal netted (him) a handsome profit. 这笔交易(他)捞到可观利润。
- Handsome Flycatcher n. 华丽斑翅霸鹟
- She met a handsome boy, John by name. 她遇到了一位名叫约翰的英俊少年。
- The waitress received a handsome tip. 女侍者收到了数量可观的小费。
- He is a handsome young man with regular features. 他是个五官端正的英俊青年。
- Mary wore handsome go-go boots to the discotheque last night. 玛丽穿着一双入时的马靴参加昨晚的舞会。
- His handsome countenance was overcast. 他那英俊的面容阴沉沮丧。
- The rich and handsome young man make a conquest of jeanne. 这位富裕而又英俊的年轻人赢得了琴的爱情。
- A handsome devil; the poor devil. 漂亮的人; 可怜的家伙
- My husband was handsome, spontaneous and charming in his youth. 我丈夫年轻时英俊、诚挚、富有魅力。
- Somebody reported a Verditer Flycatcher yesterday. 昨天有人看到铜蓝鹟。
- He is handsome and smart, not to mention being a good athlete. 他长得帅,人又机灵,并且是一位运动健将。
- Encounter flycatcher, flycatcher also bully it. 碰到蝇虎,蝇虎也欺侮它。
- He is a personal assistant, and draws a handsome screw. 他是一位私人助理,领丰厚的薪水。