- Halo-Vest固定 Halo- Vest fixation
- Halo-vest架外固定 Outside Halo - vest fixed
- Halo轨道 Halo orbit
- HALO电流 HALO Current
- 我们用桩子固定帐篷。 We anchored the tent with pegs.
- HALO规则 HALO rules
- Halo-vest架 Halo - vest
- 木头用钳夹固定住了. The wood is held in position by a clamp.
- 遮阳板汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板 A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.
- Core-Halo模型 Core-Halo model
- 屋顶上有两盏固定吊灯。 There are two light fixtures on the ceiling.
- 地-月系平动点及Halo轨道的应用研究 The Application of Libration Points and Halo Orbits in the Earth-Moon System to Space Mission Design
- 这布花是用一种特殊的粘合剂固定住的。 The cloth flower snaps on with a special binder.
- 除了Halo 3之外,还有哪十个游戏最值得买 Ten Games To Buy Besides Halo 3
- 他们已把帐篷用木桩固定住了。 They have pegged the tent down.
- 他不得不把断胳膊固定在吊带上。 He had to keep his broken arm in a sling.
- 这是我的固定地址。 This is my permanent address.
- 放置 6F多极导管电极于右室、His束及冠状静脉窦 (CS) ,Halo电极置于右房。 AF was provoked by APB.6F multiple electrode catheters were placed at right ventricle,His bundle,coronary sinus,right atrium.
- 你把衣服挂在固定在墙上或门上的挂衣钩上。 You hang clothes on a peg fixed to a wall or door.
- 颈椎骨折患者术中应用改良Halo-vest支架对维持颈椎稳定性及预防脊髓再损伤的作用 Modified Halo-vest fixation for the stability of cervical vertebra and prevention of medullary re-injury during the operations for the patients with cervical vertebral fracture