- HLA座位 HLA locus
- 座位 seat
- 座位数 seating
- 人们为争占座位而互相推挤着。 The people jostled with one another for the seats.
- HLA high level architecture (HLA)
- 你找不到座位吗? Can't you find a pew somewhere?
- 椅子的座位略微下陷。 The chair seat had a slight sag.
- 座位装有座垫。 The seats are cushioned.
- 他抢到剧院最好座位。 He nabbed the best seat in the house.
- 她赶在我的前面抢占了靠近火的座位。 She grabbed the seat near the fire before I could.
- 这座会堂的音响效果极佳,连最便宜的座位也能听得一清二楚。 The acoustics of the hall are so good that you can hear everything even from the cheapest seats.
- 我把她带到座位上。 I showed her to her seat.
- 中间休息时,我们交换了一下座位。 We changed seats in the interval.
- 公司在同一时间内预订了20个飞机座位或10个旅馆房间。 The company has a block booking for twenty seats on the plane or for ten rooms at the hotel.
- 没精打采靠在座位上 slouch back in one's seat
- 她故意坐在外面座位上。 She purposely sat in the outside seat.
- 让座位 offer one's seat
- 爷爷和奶奶坐在汽车后排的座位上。 Grandpa and grandma sat in the back of the car.