- 内蒙籍蒙古族儿童HLA-DRB1等位基因对过敏性紫癜的遗传易感性 The genetic susceptibility of HLA-DRB1 allele to anaphylactoid purpura in juvenile Mongolia inhabited in lnner Mongolia
- HLA-DRB1等位基因 HLA-DRB1 allele
- 云南彝族2型糖尿病与HLA-DRB1等位基因多态性关联的研究 Study on the association between the HLA-DRB1 alleles and type 2 diabetes in Yi nationality of Yunnan
- 人类白细胞抗原DRB1等位基因 HLA - DRB1 allele
- 目的:分析原发性胆汁性肝硬化(PBC)和自身免疫性胆管炎(AIC)患者的临床表现、肝组织病理学特征及其与HLA-DRB1等位基因的相关性. AIM: To analyze the clinical and pathological characte- ristics of both primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and auto- immune cholangitis (AIC), and to explore their associ- ations with HLA-DRB1 alleles in Han Chinese.
- 云南汉族原发性高血压与HLA-DQA1等位基因的相关性研究 Relationship between Alleles of HLA -DQA1 and essential hypertension in Yunnan Hans
- 5-HT2A受体102 T/C位点T等位基因与合并焦虑情绪的慢性抽动障碍相关联。 102 T/C polymorphism in the 5-HT2A receptor gene is exclusively associated with CTD comobided anxiety in Han population.
- AGT变异基因235T与子痫前期发生有关,T等位基因可能是子痫前期的易感基因。 AGT mutant 235T gene is associated with the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and its T allele may be a susceptible factor for preeclampsia.
- 与bb基因型相比,携带a等位基因的妇女与RESA显著相关(OR为1.8,95%CI:1.04~3.24)。 The aa and ba genotypes were significantly associated with RESA (OR:1.8,95%25 CI:1.04-3.24).
- B等位基因 Novel ABO allele
- kdr等位基因 kdr allele
- le等位基因 le allele
- OL等位基因 off-ladder allele
- vacA等位基因 VacA alleles
- DQBl等位基因 DQB1 Alleles
- HIA-B等位基因 HLA-B allele
- PRNP等位基因 PRNP allele
- 不活动等位基因 silent allele
- 微卫星等位基因 Microsatellite allele
- 人Ⅱ类MHC等位基因 human class ⅡMHC allele