- HLA抗体介导的输血反应 Transfusion reaction mediated by HLA antibody
- 抗体介导的巨噬细胞吞噬的测定。 Antibody mediated phagocytosis by macrophages.
- 抗HCV病毒E2蛋白抗体介导的ADCC作用 Serum antibodies against the hepatitis C virus E2 protein mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity(ADCC)
- 输血,监护患儿的输血反应。 Administer blood products and monitor child's response to their infusion.
- 几种常见抗体介导的肾小球肾炎免疫荧光和超微结构的形态对比观察 Morphological comparison between immunofluorescent and ultrastructural changes in several types of common antibody-mediated glomerulonephritis
- HLA抗体对肝移植术后急性排斥发生的影响 Effects of the HLA antibodies on allograft acute rejection after cadaveric liver transplantation
- ABO血型或亚型不合引起的输血反应及救治 Transfusion reaction result from incompatibility of ABO blood type and hypotype and its therapy
- 抗体介导 antibody-mediated
- rhGM-CSF/IL-3融合蛋白对Ara-C介导的HL-60细胞凋亡的影响 The Effect of rhGM-CSF/IL-3 Fusion Protein on Apoptosis of HL-60 Cells Mediated by Ara-C
- 结论 :该例唯酶抗体仅在木瓜蛋白酶介质体外检测中表现出凝集 ,不会引起溶血性输血反应 In conclusion, enzyme-only antibody usually doe s not lead to hemolytic transfusion reaction.
- 人肝移植的抗体介导性排异与ABO配型不同之间的关系 The relationships between antibody-mediated rejection of human liver allografts and transplantation across ABO blood group barrier
- 此外,使用PCR介导的方法从菌株2P24的基因组文库中克隆到调控基因gacS。 These date suggested QS system was one important regulatory system pertinent to biocontrol ability in P. fluorescens 2P24.The-gacS gene, one component of GacS/GacA two-component system, was cloned from P. fluorescens 2P24 by PCR mediate genomic library screening.
- 日本乙型脑炎病毒单克隆抗体介导ADCC效应的研究 The ADCC Effect Mediated by The Monocl nal Antibodies to Japanese B Encephalitis
- 腺病毒载体介导的早幼粒细胞性白血病生长抑制因子诱导胆囊癌细胞凋亡的实验研究 Recombinant PML adenovirus suppresses human gallbladder cancer cell growth by inducing apoptosis
- 目的; 探索细胞因子介导的中性粒细胞化学吸附剂(CINC)在脑缺血损伤中的作用。 objective: To explore the effect of cytokin - induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)inischemic cerebral injury.
- 单克隆抗体介导的禽脑脊髓炎病毒检测方法的建立及其结构蛋白VP3的初步研究 Establishment of Monoclonal Antibody Mediated Detecting Method to AEV and Preliminary Research of the Structural Protein VP3
- 连接反应介导的PCR ligation mediated PCR; LM-PCR
- 黄瓜花叶病毒基因组不同部分及卫星RNA介导的对植株的保护及其作用机理 Different parts of cucumber mosaic virus genome and satellite RNA mediated protection of plants against CMV
- 细胞介导的过敏反应 cell-mediated hypersensitivity
- 纳米金-蛋白A介导抗体定向固定的压电传感及电化学特性研究 Piezoelectric and Electrochemical Characteristics of Oriented Antibody Immobilization Mediated by Gold Nanoparticle-labeled Protein A