- 撒丁人群中HLA区域内基因位点间的相互作用影响多发性硬化症的病程 Interaction of loci within the HLA region influences multiple sclerosis course in the Sardinian population
- HLA基因位点 HLA locus
- 杂合体在同源染色体的某一特定基因位点上有不同的等位基因的有机体 An organism that has different alleles at a particular gene locus on homologous chromosomes.
- HLA基因 HLA gene
- 13种参与血管调节基因位点与中国人高血压病的连锁分析 Linkage analysis of 13 vasoactivity-regulating short tandem genes loci in essential hypertension in Chinese
- HLA基因型 HLA genotype
- 全自动提取大量全血样本基因组DNA方法的建立及其在HLA基因分型中的应用 Establishment of high Volume automatically extracting genomic DNA from whole blood sample and its application in HLA genotyping
- 烹调油烟冷凝物诱发支气管上皮细胞HPRT基因位点突变的研究 Study on Frequency of HPRT Locus Mutation in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Induced by COFC
- 脐带血HLA基因分型质评结果分析 Analysis of Quality Control Results for HLA Genotype of Umbilical Cord Blood
- 易感基因位点 Susceptibility locus
- 改良盐酸胍法提取脐血DNA用于HLA基因分型 Modified Guanidine Hydrochloride Method for DNA Extraction from Cord Blood Used in HLA Genotyping
- 国人HLA基因与多发性大动脉炎相关性研究 Correlation between HLA gene and Takayasu arteritis in the Chinese
- 双等位基因位点 biallelic marker
- 辽南地区造血干细胞捐献者HLA基因分布和单倍型分析 Distribution of HLA genetic polymorphism and haplotype of hematopoietic stem cell donors in southern Liaoning, China
- 多份移植脐血HLA匹配为 1 6 - 2 6位点不相合。 Donors of HLA 1/6-2/6 mismatch were accepted at registry search.
- 胚胎组织浸液降低无关个体混合淋巴细胞培养中的HLA基因表达 Reduction of Expression of HLA Genes by Fetal Tissue Lysates in Mixed Lymphocyte Culture of Unrelated Individuals
- HLA基因多态性与慢性粒细胞和急性淋巴细胞白血病易感性的关联分析 HLA allele polymorphism associated with susceptibility of chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- 产后甲状腺炎与HLA-DP、HLA-DQ位点可能无相关性。 Perhaps PPT is not associated with HLA-DP and HLA-DQ alleles.
- 利用标志基因定位,(2)酯酶同工酶基因位点与抗BYMV基因的关系; The relationship of resistancegene with three esterase isozyme genes (Est1, Est2 and Est4) wasdiscused;
- 1例接受 1个HLA主要位点不合的非血缘脐带血移植。 1 patient underwent 1-locus HLA-mismatched unrelated cord blood transplantation (CBT).