- HCI气体 gaseous HCI
- HCI气体净化效率 HCI removal efficiency
- 空气受到了有害气体的污染。 The air is infected with noisome gases.
- 蓝牙HCI Bluetooth HCI
- 氦气是惰性气体。 Helium is a noble gas.
- HCI程序 HCI program
- 煤气是有毒气体。 Gas is a poison.
- HCI传输层 HCI transport layer
- 液体或气体燃料 Liquid or gaseous fuels
- HCI吸收工艺 the HC1 absorption craft
- 有害气体治理 abatement of noxious gases
- 人机交互(HCI) Human-Computer Interaction(HCI)
- 反相气体色谱 inverse gas chromatography
- 蓝牙HCI USB传输层规范 Specification of Bluetooth HCI USB Transport Layer
- 气体动力学说 kinetic theory of gases
- 蓝牙HCI传输层流量控制的研究 Study of flow control based on bluetooth HCI transport layer
- 所有液体与气体都是流体。 All liquids and gases are fluids.
- 基于HCI协议层的蓝牙技术应用开发 The Development of Bluetooth Application Based on HCI Layer
- 发散气体产生气体 To produce vapor.