- HBF-1菌株 strain HBF-1
- 苏云金芽孢杆菌HBF-1菌株防治金龟科幼虫的效果评价 Evaluation of control effect of Bacillus thuringiensis strain HBF-1 against larvae of Scarabaeoidae
- 对金龟子幼虫有杀虫活性的苏云金杆菌HBF-1菌株发酵培养基优选 Optimization of Medium for Bacillus thuringiensis HBF-1 with Insecticidal Activity to Scarabaeoidae Larva
- 菌株 bacterial strain
- xA-1菌株 XA-1 strain
- Ch-1菌株 Ch-1 bacteria
- As-1菌株富硒能力的研究 Study on the Enrichment of Selenium of As-1
- 用转座子 Tn5诱变水稻白叶枯病菌日本系统小种1菌(?) Transposon Tn5 mutagenesis in a wildtype strain JXO I of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzaewas conducted.
- 变异菌株 variant strain
- 标准菌株 reference culture
- 亲代菌株 parental strain
- 雌性菌株 female bacterium
- R菌株 rough strain
- S菌株 smooth strain
- 受纳菌株 permissive strain
- B菌株 B strain
- 无效菌株 ineffective strain
- 严格菌株 stringent strain
- 菌株V23 V23 strain
- 菌株VH3 VH3 strain