- 马钢H型钢轧机工作辊轴承的设计计算 Design and Calculation of Work Roll Bearings in H-Section Steel Mill for Maanshan Steel
- 液压动态轴向调整系统在H型钢轧机中的应用 The Application of Hydraulic Dynamic Axial Adjustment System in H-beam Rolling Mill
- H型钢轧机 H beam mill
- 机 machine
- 大H型钢轧机 H Beam mill
- 脱机 off-line
- H型钢 H-beam
- 基于ANSYS软件的万能型钢轧机机架圆角的多目标优化设计 The multiple-object optimum design for the round angle of the universal profiled roll based on the software ANSYS
- H型钢柱 H-section column
- 小型型钢轧机 small section mill
- H型钢桩 steel H-Pile
- 基于BP网络的冷弯型钢轧后回弹预报模型 Re-spring Forecast Model of Cold Roll-formed Sections Based on BP Neural Networks
- 涂有熔融胶接环氧树脂的结构钢H型钢桩和薄板桩技术规范 Standard Specification for Fusion Bonded Epoxy-Coated Structural Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling
- 人们使用轧机把材料加工成各种形状,如圆棒材、方棒材和矩形棒材。 A rolling mill is used to form the material into various form such as round rod, square or rectangular bar.
- 型钢轧机 section mill
- H型钢檩条 H- shaped purlin
- H型钢热轧 H-shape rolling
- 大型型钢轧机 heavy section mill
- 连轧机控制系统 control system of tandem mills
- 厚壁H型钢 Heavy Wall H-beam