- Research on artificial insemination and semen freezing and artificial hatching and starting in Grus vipio will promote the reproduction of the crane under artificial breeding. 对白枕鹤类的人工授精、孵化、育雏以及冷冻精液技术的研究,可促进人工饲养条件下鹤类的增殖和种群的繁衍。
- Time Budgets and Activity Rhythms of Grus vipio during the Migration Season in Spring 白枕鹤春季迁徙行为时间分配及活动规律
- Grus vipio n. 白枕鹤
- Richten Sie Herrn...einen schonen Grus von mir aus! 请代我向某某先生问好!
- Als ein Grußunserm Admiral. 当作向我们的海军上将致敬。
- On-site "la manutenzione, gru a torre, e on-site riparazione. 现场维修,塔式起重机的大、中和现场抢修。
- Grus said you lost the freedom to water and pick stock, is this the reason? 很多原因,市场乏力,享受生活等等。
- Sokolov: Yes. The best GRU has to offer. They're coming for me. I'm finished! 是的,GRU的精英出动了,他们是来抓我的,我完了!
- I can\'t say it feels good to kill a comrade, even if it is for the GRU. 杀死同志的感觉实在说不上好,就算是为了格鲁乌*。
- Ocelot: I can't say it feels good to kill a comrade, even if it is for the GRU. 即使是为了GRU,杀死自己同志的感觉也不太妙。
- Come gru a torre fabbrica a Pechino servizi di cooperazione tecnica. 为个塔吊厂家在京技术服务合作。
- The left coronary artery of the G. grus is divided into anterior descending branch and circumflex branch. 结果表明;灰鹤心脏左冠状动脉分为前降支和旋支.
- Al fine di fornire siti per i diversi modelli di gru a torre di leasing, consulenza tecnica. 为个建筑工地提供各种型号的塔吊租赁,技术咨询。
- So you haven't heard then. The man who arranged the defection was a GRU colonel by the name of Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin. 如此说来您也还没听说,安排这场叛国事件的是贵国一个名叫。
- Stress introduce the inhabit actuality of birds rare be critically ill like as Mergus serrat or and Grus monacha.And lodge relevant propose of protection and management. 重点介绍了中华秋沙鸭、白头鹤等珍稀濒危鸟类的栖息地状况,并提出相应的保护管理建议。
- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has dismissed the head of the country's powerful GRU military intelligence service, the Kremlin has said. 克里姆林宫发言人称,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫解除了情报总局首领的职位。
- Went down from the tower. Gru gru gru......We could heard our stomach making noise. We bought french fries and coffee, had it right underneath the tower. 从塔峰下来后,肚子咕鲁咕鲁响了。买了薯条和咖啡,就坐在铁塔下吃。
- Schonen Grus zuhause! 向您全家问好!
- There are 69 species of bird in Ejina belonging to 12 order,25 family and 45 genera. Among them,Aix galericulata,Buteo hemilasius,Ciconia nigra,Cygnus olor,Falco tinnunculus,Grus grus Milvus migrans and Pandion haliaetus are protected by China. 观察记录到12目、25科、45属的69种鸟类;其中属国家重点保护的鸟类有8种;即黑鹳(Ciconianigra)、疣鼻天鹅(Cygnusolor)、鸳鸯(Aixgalericulata)、鹗(Pandionhaliaetus)、黑鸢(Milvusmigrans)、大?(Buteohemilasius)、红隼(Falcotinnunculus)、灰鹤(Grusgrus).
- Sch?nen Gru? zuhause! 向您全家问好!