- Roller Non-Balance Diagnosis of Roller Mill Based on Grey Relation Grade Analysis 一种磨粉机磨辊不平衡故障诊断的方法
- Grey Relation Grade Analysis of Pore Structure of Carboniferous Carbonate Reservoir in East Sichuan 川东石炭系碳酸盐岩储层孔隙结构的灰色关联分析
- Grey relation grade analysis 灰色关联度分析
- Grey Relation Grade Analyses for the Local Pepper Cultivars in Hunan and Breeding of Xiangyan Pepper Varieties 湖南辣椒地方品种资源与湘研辣椒品种选育的灰色关联分析
- Multi-factorial Evaluation of New Winter Wheat Varieties With the Grey Relational Grade Analysis Method 应用灰色关联度对冬小麦区试参试品种的评价
- Grey Relational Grade Analysis for the Factors Infulencing White Granulated Sugar Ash in Sulphitation Sugar Mill 白砂糖灰分影响因素的灰色关联度分析
- Insulation fault diagnosis based on group grey relational grade analysis method for power transformers 基于群灰色关联度分析方法的电力变压器绝缘故障诊断
- The grey relational grade analysis between the yield of maize hybrid and the main characters 玉米杂交种产量与主要性状的灰色关联度分析
- Relation grade analysis of grey theory was used to analyze and evaluate 14 introduced forage of the winter-free farmland of the north of Yunnan subtropics. 摘要应用灰色关联度分析法对14个云南省北亚热带冬闲田引种的优良牧草进行了分析与综合评价。
- grey relational grade analysis 灰色关联度
- Finally the durability grade of pile wharf and its components is evaluated comprehensively by taking the grey relation grade as the criteria, which provides a basis for the evaluation. 最后以灰色关联度为准则对在役高桩码头构件和结构的耐久性进行综合分级评估,为工程人员鉴定、评估提供依据。
- By using relational grade analysis of the grey system theory, th e fruit quality of eighteen orange varieties were multifactorially evaluated. 应用关联分析法,对桔类18个品种果实品质进行了综合评价,明确了最优品种。
- Analysis of the grey relational grade indicates parameter significance and the optimal parameter combination for the LBM can be identified to verify the performance by extra-confirmation experiments. 并可经由额外的最佳参数组合之确认实验来验证其效果。
- Nine index of main characters of 19 corn varieties participated in Huanghai and Huaihai corn regional trial were analyzed by the way of the grey relational grade. 摘要采用灰色关联度分析方法,对2006年国家黄淮海鲜食糯玉米区域试验的19个品种9个主要性状指标进行了综合分析和评价。
- By using mathematical method of relational grade analysis of the grey system theory, seven new longan varieties introduced were multifactorialy evaluated.The best varieties were defined. 摘要本文应用灰色关联分析法,对重庆引进的七个龙眼新品种进行了综合评估,明确了优良品种。
- This paper discusses mainly the principal of Grey Theory and the method of relational grade analyses, Grey clustering, Grey prediction and Grey modeling. 简要介绍了灰色理论的基本原理及灰关联分析、灰色聚类、灰色预测、灰色建模四种基本方法。
- A simple method of calculating the grey relational grades of grey numeral sequences whose whiting values are consistent was also obtained. 对取数一致的灰数序列,给出了一种计算灰关联度的简便方法。
- The improved grey relation grade and its application in project risk evaluation 改进灰色关联度及其在项目风险评价中的应用
- generalized grey relational grade 广义灰色关联度