- Great Wall on Ming Dynasty 辽宁明长城
- The eastern end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall? 是不是明长城东边的起点啊?
- Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty. 长城大部分城墙的建造时间要追溯到明朝。
- The Great Wall as it stands today dates back to the Ming dynasty. 目前的这道长城是明朝修建的。
- The last massive rebuilding of the Great Wall was in Ming Dynasty. 长城的最后一次大规模重建是在明朝。
- Nicknames: Little Giant, The Ming Dynasty, The Great Wall, etc. 绰号:小巨人、明王朝、移动长城等。
- We're going to the Great Wall on Sunday morning. 我们准备周末上午去长城。
- Badaling Great Wall is the essence of the whole Ming Dynasty Great Wall. 八达岭长城是万里长城的代表,是明代长城中的精华。
- I'm afraid we won't get to see the Great Wall on this trip. 恐怕这次我们去不了长城。
- Badaling section of the Great Wall was started to build in 1505, the Hongzhi reign of the Ming Dynasty. 八达岭长城始建于明弘治十八年(1505);因地处交通要道;四通八达;故名八达岭.
- We went on a tour of the Great Wall on our last school trip. 在上次的学校郊游中,我们游览了长城。
- The Great Wall was made of earth first and rebuilt with bricks during the Ming Dynasty, which is what we see now. 长城原先是用土修筑起来的,到了明代才改建成了砖石结构,就是我们现在看到的这样。
- For me, the Great Wall is the wonder of the world. Just the Ming Dynasty Wall dwarfs the Three Gorges dam project. 对于我来说,长城是世界的一大奇迹。仅明代长城就足以让三峡工程小巫见大巫。
- Jiayuguan is located in the ancient "Silk Road" of the transport hub and is the starting point at the western end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall. 嘉峪关地处古“丝绸之路”的交通要冲,又是明代万里长城的西端起点。
- Join us for a day tour to Yellow Blossoms Great Wall on 17 May, Sat. 欢迎广大会员、朋友携同家人参加黄花城水长城一日游!
- Jiayuguan is the ancient "Silk Road" of the transport hub of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall is the starting point at the western end. 嘉峪关是古“丝绸之路”的交通要冲,又是明代万里长城的西端起点。
- The entire Great Wall was re-strengthened from the west point to the east point during the Ming Dynasty to forestall the attacks of the Mongols from the North. 到了明朝的时候,整个长城从西到东被加固了一遍,以阻止北方蒙古人的入侵。
- Ming Dynasty, in order to confront the other branch of Mongolia, the next series of military attack, as well as the construction of the Great Wall along the front line. 明朝初年,为了对抗蒙古的馀支,明军多番出击,同时也沿前线修筑长城。
- Badaling Great Wall was constructed during the Ming Dynasty around 1505, together with a military outpost reflecting the location's strategic importance. 八达岭长城始建于明朝1505年左右,于军事前哨一起建造可见它在战略位置上的重要性。
- It is fine today.I made an appointment with my foreign friend Peter to visit the Great Wall on Badaling. 今天天气不错,我和我的外国朋友彼德约好去游览八达岭长城。