- Gibbs算法 Gibbs algorithm
- 一种基于模糊Gibbs随机场的运动估计新算法 A New Approach to Motion Estimation Based on the Fuzzy Gibbs Random Field
- 基于Gibbs随机场与模糊C均值聚类的图像分割新算法 A New Algorithm for Image Segmentation Based on Gibbs Random Field and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
- Gibbs能 Gibbs energy
- 算法设计 algorithm design
- Gibbs抽样 Gibbs sampling
- Gibbs现象 Gibbs phenomenon
- 算法设计与分析 The Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- Gibbs分布 Gibbs distribution
- 控制算法 control algorithm
- Gibbs效应 Gibbs effects
- Gibbs先验 Gibbs prior
- 聚类算法 clustering algorithm
- Gibbs仿真 Gibbs simulation
- 启发式算法 heuristic algorithm
- Gibbs双稳系统 Gibbs bistabel system
- 迭代算法 iterative algorithm
- Gibbs环状伪影 Gibbs ringing artifact
- 最优控制算法 algorithm for optimal control
- Gauss-Gibbs随机场 Gauss-Gibbs random fields