- Ge量子点 Ge quantum dots
- 退火过程中自组织生长Ge量子点的变化 Evolution of Self-Organized Ge Quantum Dots During Ultra High Vacuum Annealing
- 微腔调制常温Ge量子点光致发光特性 Modulated Photoluminescence of Ge Quantum Dots Grown on SOI Substrate
- 用超高真空化学气相淀积系统在Si(1 0 0 )衬底上生长了多层Ge量子点 . Stacked Ge quantum dots are grown on Si(100) by u ltra-high vacuum chemical vapor deposition(UHV/CVD).
- ZnO量子点 ZnO quantum dot
- 采用超高真空化学气相淀积系统制备了小尺寸、高密度、纵向自对准的Ge量子点 . Small size, large density and vertical ordering Ge quantum dots (QDs) were grown by ultra-high vacuum chemical vapor deposition(UHV/CVD) system.
- 量子点540 QD540
- 柱形量子点 cylindrical quantum dot
- 在超高真空化学汽相淀积设备(UHV/CVD)上生长了小尺寸、大密度、垂直自对准的Ge量子点。 Small size,large density and vertical ordering Ge quantum dots(QDs)were grown by UHV/CVD system. AFM study was carried out to optimize growth temperature and time.
- 阱内量子点 dot-in-well QD
- 双层量子点 double-layer quantum dots
- 最后对上述内容进行小结,并对Ge量子点共振腔增强型光电探测器的应用前景进行了探讨与展望。 The underling importance of the Ge quantum dot resonant cavity enhanced photodetector is discussed and its prospects are offered.
- 抛物量子点 parabolic quantum dot
- CdSe量子点 CdSe QDs
- InAs量子点 InAs quantum dots
- 耦合量子点 coupled quantum dot
- 无机量子点 inorganic quantum dots
- GaN基量子点 GaN based quantum dots
- 量子点玻璃 quantum dot glass