- A large gazelle (Gazella granti) of East Africa that has long, curved horns. 格氏瞪羚:东非的一种大型羚羊(格氏瞪羚羚羊属),有长而弯曲的角
- Gazella granti n. 格氏羚
- A large antelope(Oryx gazella) of arid regions of southern Africa, having long, sharp, straight horns, a tufted tail, and distinctive black and white markings on the head. 南非大羚羊一大型羚羊(长角羚羚羊属),生于南部非洲干旱地区,有长、尖而直的角,尾巴成束状,头部上有很明显的黑色和白色标记
- Any of various small,swift antelopes of the genus Gazella and related genera of Africa and Asia,characteristically having a slender neck and annulate horns. 瞪羚,一种瞪羚属小型的、行动敏捷的羚羊及其有血缘关系的非洲或亚洲羚羊,以有一细长的脖子和环状角而闻名。
- A large antelope(Oryx gazella) of arid regions of southern Africa,having long,sharp,straight horns,a tufted tail,and distinctive black and white markings on the head. 南非大羚羊一大型羚羊(长角羚羚羊属),生于南部非洲干旱地区,有长、尖而直的角,尾巴成束状,头部上有很明显的黑色和白色标记。
- Any of various small, swift antelopes of the genus Gazella and related genera of Africa and Asia, characteristically having a slender neck and annulate horns. 瞪羚一种瞪羚属小型的、行动敏捷的羚羊及其有血缘关系的非洲或亚洲羚羊,以有一细长的脖子和环状角而闻名
- Study Trends about Gazella subgutturosa 研究动态
- Goitered gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa) 鹅喉羚
- Goitered gazelles(Gazella subgutturosa) 鹅喉羚
- Goitred gazelle ( Gazella subgutturosa sairensis) 采食地
- Eremitalpa granti n. 荒漠鼹
- Batomys granti n. 大长颈姬鼠
- Aethomys granti n. 卡鲁蹊鼠
- Galago granti n. 格氏婴猴
- Sylvisorex granti n. 格氏林鼩鼱
- alkali granti 碱性花岗岩
- Gazella dama [Addra gazelle] 摩洛哥羚
- oryx | [Latin] Oryx gazella 剑角羚羊| 剑羚
- [Latin] Oryx gazella 剑角羚羊,剑羚
- Gazella leptoceros n. 细角羚